Guidelines for posting

When we write, try to paint a picture with your words.

Add as many sensory words as you can (adjectives)
Hearing words , Seeing words, Feeling words, Tasting words,
and Smelling words

Have fun painting your picture with words!!!!!

Posting Personal contact information in this section will be deleted.

Negative comments will also be deleted.

Thanks in advance for understanding our guidelines!

If you would like to share your art or music from your country, please send it to

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Mexico Schools Thoughts and Writings

Please post your thoughts and writings in the comment section for this entry. We encourage you to make comments on other writings. Good Luck and Good Day! Entries will be posted once a week.

Utah Schools Thoughts and Writings

Please post your thoughts and writings in the comment section for this entry. We encourage you to make comments on other writings. Good Luck and Good Day! Entries will be posted once a week.

Philippines Schools Thoughts and Writings

Please post your thoughts or writing in the comment section. Your entry will be posted within a week. We encourage you to comment on other writings on this blog.

Hawaiian Schools Thoughts and Writings

Please post your thoughts and writings in the comment section of this entry. We encourage you to make comments on other writings from different states and countries. All entries will be posted once a week.

California Schools Share Their Thoughts and Writings

Welcome to our Blog! Please post your thoughts or writing in the comment link. All comments will be posted once a week. So Check back! Please feel free to comment on other writings. We are excited to read your comments! Good Luck and Good Day!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Georgia Schools - Thoughts or Reflections Are Welcomed Here!

If you would like to add a paragraph or two, or a short story, or even a journal entry - please post your writings in the comment section of this entry. We will then post your writing as an entry within 48 hours of your posting.

Feel free to share this blog with your friends, far and near! Our world is the limit! How many cities, states, and countries can we get to post their writings on our blog?


Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Writing for a Purpose: What Paragraph Structure Is Being Used by Our Writers?

Your choices of Structure for the Paragraphs are:
  • Cause/Effect: Shows relationships between events and results - signal words: because, since, thus, so that, if... then, therefore, as a result,, due to for this reason, this led to, consequently.

  • Problem/Solution: Text raises questions and provides answers; problem presented and solution(s) discussed - signal words: conclude, the reason for, the solution, the problem, the evidence is, the outcome is, issues are, solved by.

  • Compare/Contrast: Shows how ideas, events, people, or other livings are alike and different - signal words: similarly, but, unlike/like, different, except, as well as, on the other hand, although, however, besides, either.. or, most while, same as, likewise, as opposed to, other than.

  • Description: The text provides details that create images so that the reader can determine how something looks, moves, smells, tastes, feels - signal words: descriptive adjectives, metaphors, and similes (for example, such as, like-as; characteristics are... using imagery words that use our senses- hearing, seeing, feeling, smelling, tasting)

  • Sequence: Familiar structures such as alphabetical order, days of the wee, seasons, numbers; information in terms of the order of events - historical account, directions, description of process - signal words: first, second, etc.; before, after, finally, last, next, first, then, now, in the beginning, in the end.

Post your thoughts in the comment section. Thanks!

1. When the sunsets every day, I have the opportunity to see something different in the sky. It is beautiful piece of art. It is has different colors combined with the blue of the sky. When I see this everyday, I know that the day is gone and a tomorrow is to come again.

by Elmer Armando

2. As I rode in the car, I wondered how will High School be. Is it going to be hard? Are the teachers going to be mean? Are there lots of girls? I wonder all of these things. But I hope it is not that bad.

by Dennis Gallo

3. The sunset is beautiful to watch on the beach. red, yellow, blue, purple mix together. It's relaxing to see. Everyday I look for it. Sunsets are an amazing picture.

by Lola Bunny

4. As I rode in the car, I wondered where my brother was taking me. He said it will be fun. We pulled up in front of a white building, the doctor's office. I jumped out and ran the opposite direction. Then he grabbed me and took me inside to get my shots. I sat there and began to cry and said, "I don't like the doctors."

by Lola Bunny

5. As I rode in the car, I wondered what I'm going to be when I get older. I know I can't follow in my older brother's footsteps. I got to choose which way my older brothers taught me. You can take the school path or take a dope boy ambitions path. But it puts alot of pressure because none of my brothers never graduate from High School. I have 5 brothers, two in jail and one doing 7 years and one doing one more month. But trying to be the youngest child trying to graduated from High School puts alot of pressure on me.

by Lil Zeke

6. The sunset is so bright that it hurt my eyes. It always shines except for at night. When I look up to the sky, sometimes I think the sun is following me. At the night the sunset goes downs and forms to a half of a moon. When I'm asleep, the sunrise will wake me up because of it's shining.

by Lil - J - Bam

7. The sunset was looking bright as ever when I first saw her. the sun was reflecting off her eyes and it made it sparkle. Then something inside me said that I had to go talk to her. I pulled up my pants and began to walk. As I walked closer, a boy walked up to her and greeted her with a hug and a kiss. I knew it was her boyfriend, I could not get mad. I just stopped walking and started looking at the sunset.

by Mookindook

These are the very first drafts of writing for a purpose.

In my opinion THEY ARE GREAT!